We spoke of yo-yos and I thought I'd share a couple of fun ways to use them. For those of you who may never have heard of them, check out Heather Bailey's blog for a great tutorial.
These are for another pillow. I will put these on a white with red polka dot fabric-when I get to it.
Sorry, this is not a great picture. This is the beginning of a garland for our Christmas tree this year.
I had to add something to this icky light fixture. It brings out the pink and vintage blue in the kitchen.
Amy - I love the colors of your yo-yos. I have to admit I have never ever tried to make one. I'm glad you had a great time last night. Sounds like something I am needing right now. I'm definitely going to be at the next one. Can't wait to see the finished pillow. Beth
Amy they are all SO pretty! I haven't made any since my Christmas tree yo-yo ornaments. I should teach the girls to do these - they would like that I'm sure.
How the heck did you get that shot of your light fixture?? It looks great btw.
Nicely done Amy. Thanks for teaching me how to make these. I'm now the proud owner of 7 pink ones! Stephanie
That lightfixture detail is delightful!
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