
Saturday, September 18, 2010

words I never thought I'd say...

To my 6 year old----

"If you don't stop crying right now you are not watching Lawrence Welk tonight".

Gotta run it starts in 4 minutes!


  1. hahaha!!!! That's awesome!!! I saw you had updated and I was so excited to see what is going on in your world....I'm still not sure what's new on your end, but I was not dispapointed! You're always good for a giggle!

  2. hee, hee. and i thought my kids were the only ones who love lawrence welk. :)

  3. Oh my goodness, we watch it too!

  4. Well, I guess we should get cable. I didn't know what we were missing! I can remember sitting in my grandmother's room at the nursing home watching the bubbles!

  5. Hahahahahaha! Not gonna lie, I have no I idea who Lawrence Welk is so I had to google it. That is so funny!! O sis...

  6. The words I never thought I'd say is the word resume writing


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