
Sunday, July 4, 2010


Wow, if our lives weren't full before, they certainly are now.
It's been a busy year. Our son finished his freshman year of college, our dd17 almost 18, graduated high school and is dating this fine young man. She is preparing for college next semester. Little one finished up kindergarten...
And of course we welcomed our littlest one a few weeks ago...
Here she is at 2 weeks.

I can't describe how blessed I feel to have been given the gift of another child, this child, at this stage in our lives.

How great is our God!!!


  1. SO great is our GOD :) Many conratulations on ALL your wonderful blessings and milestones this year Amy!! Love,

  2. This baby is absolutely beautiful. So alert and such pretty hair....give her a big kiss for me. And big sis too is abolutely beautiful. Beautiful family.....Love you all....

  3. so so sweet!!!! Can't wait to meet this precious little girl! Hope all is well over there...moving week here, then things slow down for a month before school starts again. Hope to see you one of these days!


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