
Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Well, these last weeks of summer are flying by...
Busy, busy, busy getting our son ready to go off to college. I have been walking around the house today, bursting into spontaneous tears more times than I care to admit.
He's been packing up his room, his toiletries, school supplies, his new linens, clothes, snacks, water bottles, laundry supplies etc... . Today, in the midst of all this packing and cleaning out of drawers, he made a startling discovery...
We always here about the nebulous black hole, every household has one, that place only one sock out of a pair disappears into, only never to return. Upon cleaning his sock drawer he discovered approximately 50-60 socks, many without partners! Socks that belonged to the rest of the family! Socks that I have searched for high and low for! Socks that I had given up on almost entirely! How long have they been hiding in there? Nobody really knows.
Yes, I am having all kinds of emotions about my son leaving for college. I will miss him terribly. It won't be the same....
But at least we got our socks back.=)


  1. Oh Amy,
    Thinking of you at this time. I know you are so proud!! ?Do you have any of our socks there?!? lol

  2. Socks are constantly in the wrong location in our house, what is it with the socks?? Congratulations and condolences, it's a whole new world eh? Big Hugs to you :))

  3. My oldest is in 8th grade but taking 1 class at high school and I'm already feeling emotional. How did this happen?

    So funny about the socks. I already found this with my son - for some reason lots of socks end up in his drawer. No idea how they got there.

  4. Hope your day went well yesterday...we survived ours, too. Actually had a little fun along the way...but pulled away from the school w/an aching heart! Remainders of the ache keep popping up all day!
    Hope you kept all the orphan socks...I usually toss them after a while, then inevitably find the match!

  5. What a lovely, funny post. I hope all went well. We'll keep all of you, and especially the college boy in our prayers.

  6. I'm game for Panera anytime! I'm packing most of the week (I have two bags of pillows, etc to return to you!)...but I can probably make it happen early in the morning! you have my cell...right?

  7. Hi Amy, I found your blog via Thistle&Vine. Just wanted to say having the first one leave the nest is tough, but it'll get easier. We went from a family of six to a family of three within two years. It hasn't always been easy, but at the same time, it's wonderful to see your children blossom into amazing adults. Blessings to you and your family.


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