
Monday, June 15, 2009

home again, home again...

This weekend my family and I went down to the Washington D.C. area for a conference. In many ways it felt a little like National Lampoon's Vacation.
What went wrong:
1.The National Zoo was half closed so we couldn't see much and it was so hot!
2. 3 kids, technically one 18, 16 and 5 year old squished in the backseat on a long car ride.
3.It is a major feat to find parking in Washington D.C. on a hot Saturday afternoon in mid-June.
4. One potty disaster averted after sprinting a couple of blocks in D.C. to locate public restroom.
5. Major, major car problems-(so bad that we need a knew one).
What went right:
1. The conference was nice and I was able to check out the vendors that I was hoping to.
2. Quality family time.
3. After driving around in circles for a time I finally remembered that we should pray for a parking spot and found one almost immediately.
4. One potty disaster averted.
5. We made it home safely after a very difficult and scary ride. and friends that were on their way home from the conference offered to turn around and come and get us if we wanted them to. They were 1 1/2 hours away! We are so blessed to have many people like this in our lives.
Here are a ton of pictures from one of the highlights of our trip. We stopped at Lucketts Store in Lucketts, VA. One of the coolest displays of what many people would call old junk I have ever seen. Every room was a like a picture that you might see in Country Living Magazine.
Dad's old camera, her new hobby...

The whole family seemed to enjoy it as much as I did!

And this store next door...

Kind of looks like my fridge

In D.C.
Have a fabulous Monday!!!


  1. You are one very fortunate girl to get to visit these amazing shops, especially the Bee Keeper's shop. I would love to visit that shop.

  2. The last photo is the best of the bunch. Thanks for sharing it.

  3. Amy,

    So sorry to hear about the car. Were you at a homeschooling conference? The pictures are fabulous.

  4. LUCKETTS!!!! My mom told me you called from there! SO JEALOUS!!! looks a little like something that's in my head alot these days! Just saying...

  5. what great pictures amy! i love those doorknobs. sorry about your car. we had something go wrong with our "good" truck just today...ugghhh it is such a pain!

    ps. your girl is quite talented. taking after her mama, of course!

  6. I love all your photos..I want to be there now!!!!


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