
Sunday, May 3, 2009

prom night...

God is good! All went well!

The awkward, obligatory corsage and butoneer exchange
went seamlessly... ( I could not get this picture straight).
awww.... A few of the parents surprised everyone and chipped in for a limo ride to the celebration, that was so nice of them.
I guess there were about 25 that came back here afterwards. What a great group of kids!
I was so impressed by this lovely group of teens. They were so polite, articulate, well mannered and FUN! We don't here about these kind of kids too often but they do still do exist despite what the popular media tells us.
Oh yeah, our daughter was voted 'the next Picasso" by her junior class and our son was voted "most theatrical" by the seniors. What a great memory to have!


  1. What a milestone. I know you have much to be proud of.

  2. What a fine young man he is...So handsome. And beautiful date! Looks like the party was a success =)

  3. He is as handome a young man as he was an adorable little boy. I always have had a soft spot for him. What a cutie pie. How can the years have flown by like this?

  4. it looks like everything went great Amy. it's so nice to hear about polite young men and women. :)

  5. What a handsome son you have! Really enjoyed these beautiful photos of your son, his pretty date and the limo. Brought back memories to me. Thank you for sharing.

  6. He looks so sharp! How nice to hear about groups of nice kids like this. I hope my pre-teens find the right crowd as they get into high school.

    Congratulations to all on a big milestone.


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