
Sunday, April 12, 2009

a must have...

I don't say this very often but these things are just
too much fun not to tell you about. If possible, I highly recommennd purchasing one immediately.

The package promises hours of fun and it delivered!

She had a ball! (ahem) and so did I!
Enjoy this blessed Easter season and may your days be filled with joy!


  1. Amy, Something new...I never heard of one of those fun toys, but you can be sure I will pick some up for the grandchildren(and their grandma too). Great idea! The Easter eggs were so pretty.

  2. Looks like a great way to tire out a kid, and I'm all for that!

    Hope your Easter was wonderful.

  3. so cute! thanks for stopping by this mind is going 90mph w/ideas! Oh, Lord, make me smarter than I am!!!

  4. How fun!! I love the sidewalk paint too. I'm impressed by your products on Etsy. Don't look at my projects Im posting on my blog..Im totally new to sewing!!


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