
Monday, March 23, 2009

scenes from our little greenhouse...

Spring has sprung and the greenhouse is blooming!

We will hopefully get some early cucumber and zucchini this year.

Hubby re-planted the strawberry patch yesterday. It must be done every 3 years. All the plants must be pulled, the ground weeded and the soil turned over and the strawberry plants re-planted.

Lord, may our garden bear abundant fruit to enjoy and to share.


  1. whoa cool! i am so behind. my seeds are still in the packs. although, with it only being the end of march and not having a lovely greenhouse for them to call home...maybe that's a good thing. :)

  2. lovely, lovely amy. i wish i had a greenhouse! but i can barely keep the real house in order, i am not ready for something else to worry about. i'll just enjoy yours!

  3. Amy, Is there anything that you don't do? You are so talented! Even your little greenhouse things are beautifully done. Makes me even more anxious for Spring and Summer.

  4. Awesome! What an inspiration, I love your greenhouse. I live in Western Mass, and we can't even plant tender things until the first week of June! I've just been starting some of my seeds in the past 2 weeks, checking them every day for signs of sprouting!

  5. oh, what a beautiful site on this dreary, cold day!!! thanks for the reminder that Spring IS still coming!!!

  6. You actually encouraged me to consider planting some small plants this Spring. How beautiful and organized your plantings look. Keep us posted as to how they look in a few weeks. I like you little greenhouse.

  7. Maybe you could teach me a little about gardening..I was thinking of starting with some veggies in pots this summer.....


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