
Thursday, January 15, 2009

snowy day...

This is what I was greeted by when I opened my eyes this morning. One little girl fully dressed for the snow. I don't even know how she found her boots, gloves and snowsuit, they were not readily available.

I couldn't get this picture to rotate. I tried a couple of times and then I thought, well, this is more authentic because this is actually (kinda, sorta) how I saw her when I opened my eyes.

The headband was the finishing touch.

Her "Little Flowers" leader (that's like Catholic girl scouts but better) made these for the girls as a gift. It was especially appropriate since we watched Daisy Head Maisy by Dr. Seuss for the first time this week.
Hey Mrs. Ellis, I saw these at a boutique recently, you could go into business.There wasn't too much snow but I'm all for a 2 hour delay when there is any snow on the ground when my son is driving.
I helped out at Little Flowers the other day with the youngest group of girls. Each time they meet they discuss a virtue and a saint, and how that particular saint lived that virtue.
We made tissue paper peonies. The Peony, also known as the "Christmas Flower" is dedicated to St. Agnes.
Here is the larger group, headbands and all having their "Epiphany gift exchange".


  1. what a cutie. and that headband is great! i miss little flowers. last year we were trying to manage two groups, but that got to be too much, this year i haven't signed my daughter up at all. thanks for the snowy pictures!

    ps. glad you're back!

  2. I'm so happy to be part of such a happy and promise-filled morning! I just love the Sopers!

  3. So cute. I'm sure you ran right out in the snow with her in your pjs, right?


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