
Thursday, December 11, 2008

what was I thinking!@#?

I have been told that I have "a good eye" for finding second hand treasures.
Well, yesterday as I was perusing one of my favorite thrift stores I came across this beauty...
Doesn't look half bad with all those glittering lights, hmmmm....

until you turn off the lights...
yuck, blech, yuck, ugh...
I hereby apologize to my family for bringing this hideous monstrosity into our home.
Please forgive me everyone...

You see I have been seeing these silver trees here and there lately and I honestly thought it would look pretty, really...all I can say is I hope this was just a momentary lapse in judgement.

Let's just call it a donation to Mennonite Central Committee and call it a day.

P.S. If any of you have one of these silver beauties in your home I bet it looks really great!


  1. it doesn't look that bad. oh well, at least you tried. most of them that i have seen in use are the smaller table top variety and i'm thinking that size can really make it or break it. because, well, 2 to 3 ft. of silver tinsel is enough. :)

  2. actually, i think it's CUTE!!! maybe the picture does it justice, but maybe you should rethink it! (or only bring it out at night!)

  3. Too funny, Amy. I think you've made the right choice!

  4. that can happen with "thrifted" treasures. i have often brought things home and thought to myself:"what was i thinking? was it the lighting?" o well. the tree wasn't too bad.........


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