
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

crafting and cooking...

I had so much fun making these clipboards! I first saw them a good while back over at the very talented Jane's Apron, where she makes lots of them and they are just beautiful! Over the summer she was kind enough to make a tutorial and I finally got to making some.
I have some other little decoupage projects in mind...
Here are the last of the peppers. I think we wouldn't appreciate wonderful fresh vegetables if we had them all year long. At least I know I wouldn't-not as much anyway.

Here are some stuffed peppers ready for the oven and off to a friend.

I can't believe how cold it has been at night. It went down to 28 degrees last night-brrr...

No wonder I was so cold this morning, the heat wasn't on! I 'm a hold out as far as putting the heat on too early, you know that thrifty thing again. But that was just a little too cold. So we put it on for a little while this morning so we wouldn't freeze to death.

Hope you are having a great day!


  1. Your clipboards are so pretty! Are the fabric or paper?

  2. Those clipboards are fabulous! I'm going to have to check out that tutorial.

    I love stuffed peppers. Too bad the kids wont eat them. I haven't made them in ages.

  3. Amy...LOVING the clipboards! You did a fabulous job on them!!! They're perfect, as usual! (they're featured on our blog,too!) Sorry I missed you!


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