
Saturday, September 6, 2008

remembering my thank you's...

This morning, like many other Saturday mornings, I set out to go to a couple of garage sales. Sometimes if my head and heart are in the right place, I remember to consult God before I go. I hate paying full price for anything. I would much rather get what I can second hand whenever I can find it in acceptable condition. I must add, that I am very particular, for those of you who know me in real life, I believe you probably already know that. ;)

This morning as I got in the car, I uttered a quick, semi-conscious prayer and asked the Lord to bless us with some fall clothes for the little one. I went to a couple of garage sales (in the rain-I'm a die-hard when it comes to this) and was able to pick up a few very nice outfits for her. Then, this afternoon my neighbor that has a daughter a year older than mine called with some more lovely things for her to wear this fall that her daughter could no longer use.

I just remembered a few minutes ago that God not only answered my prayer, once again He answered abundantly. My only regret is that I failed to thank Him immediately and abundantly.

I'll try and work on that.

There was a time when I might have been a little embarrassed to say I bought my child's clothes at a yard sale, not anymore!

I now believe it is not only ecologically responsible, but far more importantly it is being a good steward of God's precious gifts, that I don't ever want to waste or take for granted.

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