
Thursday, September 11, 2008

Here are some terribly out of focus pictures of the very exciting McCain/Palin event here in Lancaster on Tuesday

The crowd went wild. There were thousands of people there. From what I heard there were also thousands that didn't get in. We parked many blocks away walked and stood on line for two hours and then were herded in. The whole thing was remarkebly orderly and not at all unpleasant. Some people arrived quite early and waited hours upon hours in line.
Check out all these press people...
Today on September 11, 7 years after the day, we remember all those who died as well as those loved ones left behind. Living on Long Island at that time we knew too many whose lives changed forever that morning. I can't imagine how difficult and in some ways maybe comforting(knowing we have not forgotten their pain) for the families who must re-live that day in the news coverage and memorial services year after year...
Lord have mercy and give them comfort this day and always.


  1. It looks like the place was packed, and an experience you'll never forget.

  2. Thank you for remembering. It seems that too many have forgotten.


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