
Monday, August 4, 2008

hangin at the library...

just making ourselves at home...
That my dd16 (gotta come up with a better name for her/them), saw this t-shirt and really liked it , so I got it for her, it was 50% off, why not. I just thank God that these words truly reflect what's in her heart. She believes and wants to share what she knows with others. She is required to wear this color t-shirt paired with purple shorts for gym (I know, I know, someone call the fashion police). So alas, she will be clashing yet evangelizing come this school year.
Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. God bless her. I admire her willingness to wear her faith on her sleeve so to speak, so rare at that age.

    I love the skinny knees sticking out from the big book. It's a classic homeschooler picture.


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