
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I have one word for you...


I made this panzenella recipe from The Family Kitchen by Debra Ponzek. Made with fresh tomatoes, basil, red onion, garlic, italian bread, olive oil, vinegar and salt and pepper-how could you really go wrong?

I really like this cookbook. There are lots of recipes in this book that I can't wait to make with the little one. I borrowed it from our local library.


  1. That looks amazing! All my favorites in one bowl!

  2. Wow! May I ask a question? Is the bread toasted or just cubed?
    I HAVE to try this recipe. . . it looks scrumptious.
    Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you for the quick response. I LOVE this recipe and can't wait to make it.
    You have a beautiful blog.


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