
Monday, June 16, 2008

"thankful faces"

Edited to make more sense...I hope.=)
Today is the first day of Vacation Bible School in our parish. I am heading up the snack department. I made 100+ large rolled sugar cookies on Saturday so we can make "thankful faces" this morning. They will be large sugar cookies spread with frosting, m&m eyes and nose and orange slice candy smile. The children will learn about Jesus healing the 10 lepers and how only one of them came back to say thank you. Oh, how like us as humans... Always asking, getting and forgetting to say thank you to The One who gives so abundantly...

As I was baking away I got a little caught up in all the details I needed to accomplish over the weekend. To be quite honest, I was feeling a little overwhelmed. Then it occurred to me how ridiculous it was to be overwhelmed about making sugar cookies as well as the other things I needed to do-even though the list may have seemed endless that day. I was getting overwhelmed by my blessings-It was all good stuff, well mostly... I don't mean to convey we don't have difficult times around here because believe me we do. But...I have a wonderful husband who is a wonderful father to our three wonderful children -yes I know I said wonderful 3 times-and we are all healthy and have lots of family and friends who love us. We are truly blessed.
From now on, I am going to practice being more thankful...


  1. Thanks for your comment, I feel better now. It seems like a sensible thing to do and not solely weirdness anymore :-)

    I also wish to thank you for this post. It really made me think and certain things started to dawn on me, too. You just get so wrapped up in your own ill-being sometimes that you forget the big picture. Thank you for this food for thought!

  2. Great post, and the cookie project sounds fun!

  3. Prayers coming your way that the week at the camp is going well.

  4. Yes Me too, you are so right, I do need to see all the blessings around me, there are SO many! Lovely post.

  5. It's all so charming!! Look at all those cookies! Yum!best, Jennifer


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