
Sunday, June 29, 2008

nature walk...

A few days ago the girls and I took a nature walk on a nearby trail. We do this fairly regularly. DD almost 16 and I kind of just followed the little one around and took it all in through her eyes...
To her this is very serious business...
New discoveries everywhere...
She was utterly convinced she spyed a beaver dam...
every few feet we stopped so she could document all her finds, animal tracks, flowers, wild berries...
educational for her, utterly entertaining for us...
I love this age...


  1. What a lovely little student.

  2. absolutely adorable! i just love the pensive pose of her looking at the trail guide. :) we'll have to come and join you one of these days. i just got the kid's new nature notebooks and immediately isaac thought we were going over to your house.

  3. Sweet pictures! She seems like quite a little naturalist.

  4. Great pictures. I especially love the one with pencil in hand and index finger on face - so like Rodan's "The Thinker!" And the concentration on her face is so cute.

  5. What a little "Amy" she is....the face of an angel!


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