
Saturday, March 29, 2008

I love Lancaster County...

We happened upon what looked like a town meeting this morning.

She was obviously annoyed by the papparazzi.

I know, I know, I need to get a life.


  1. hey, was this right by my house? i went to that garage sale. :P

  2. What a fun laugh first thing in the morning. Great photos!

  3. Amy,
    My husband and I are from Lancaster (Hempfield) and miss it terribly. What a surprise to discover your blog and see pictures of "home"! He had a phone interview this week with a company in Lititz, we're trying to get back there to help care for his aging parents who need help (and we miss the northeast! and my parents in Ocean City, NJ).

    thanks for the smiles,
    Jodi in faraway Tallahassee, FL

  4. ha! i hope they aren't planning a revolt against the farmer!

  5. Hee! They do look like they're having some sort of meeting.

  6. looks like she is organizing a rally. Or perhaps telling her fellow milkers, its time to produce more milk : )

  7. Hilarious! Stephanie (Xia's Mom)


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