
Sunday, August 12, 2007

ahhh, summer...

Beth and I did New Holland Market yesterday. Not a good market day but it was great fun chatting with my friend all morning. This is one of Beth's quilts, love it!
After spending so much time surrounded by these beautiful quilts, I am determined to learn this art.
Here are some of my bib and burp cloth sets.
Sorry for the sideways picture. Some of hubby's pretty flowers and yummy tomatoes.
Here are some bib cloth sets. I will be listing things on the etsy shop sometime this week.
We have friends coming tomorrow to stay for a couple of days. We haven't seen them in 4 years and we are really looking forward to the visit.

It's hard to believe school begins in 2 weeks. It has been a wonderful summer. What I love most about summer...the sun, the garden, the pool, spending good quality time with my family, less carpooling. As much as I love summer, every year about this time I begin to long for a little more structure in the schedule, I look forward to the fresh slate and new opportunities that a new school year brings.

And let's be honest, I look forward to the house being a little less messy and a little more quiet.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow everything is so pretty and colorful:)

    Hi there came across your blog and love it. I wanted to invite you to list your blog on Crafty Crafters top 100 website so hope to see your blog there.


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