
Saturday, July 7, 2007

Eastern Market

Today, my friend Beth and I were standholders at Eastern Market in Downtown Lancaster. It was a nice day. The weather was beautiful, the company was great and we even sold some things. We will be there again in August.

My daughter made me the cool sign.

Some of my pillows...

mini pillows...
travel tissue holders...
Here is a picture of Beth's quilts and other things. Check out her blog for better pictures. This one does not do justice to her beautiful work.

Hope you are having a great weekend. We are off to grandma's for dinner-thank God I don't have to cook this evening.

I did a lot of sewing this week. Next week will be all about cooking and preserving veggies from the garden.


  1. that looks too cute! glad all went well.

  2. Thanks again for being a great Market pal. Beth

  3. loveliness everywhere! sounds like it was fun.

  4. Your stuff is beautiful Amy. We had fun stopping by to visit. Glad the day went well!
    Stephanie, Bill and Xia

  5. What a lovely booth setup. Glad to hear it went well :)

  6. Your set up is adorable and I love the sign your dd made.

    The sundresses are adorable. Did you design the pattern yourself?

  7. I found the tutorial for the dresses and made my first. You can see it at the url below.

  8. Your wares are lovely!


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