
Friday, June 29, 2007

sew much to do, sew little time...

made from very old pillow ticking
made from a vintage sheet
made from a vintage sheet
My daughter did the embroidery
from that pile of fabric I mentioned a while back...

(This text should appear at the top, sorry)

I know another sewing pun, sorry I had to. Thanks to my friend Beth's connections, she and I will share a stand at Lancaster's Eastern Market next Saturday.

I like to make things from materials that are vintage, thrifted or recycled. Here are a few of things I made today. I have so much that I would like to do before Saturday. I will do what I can and try not to stress myself out.


  1. At this rate you'll have no trouble filling your tables! By the way, if I haven't told you before, you have really great kids. They did such a great job all week at Bible school.


  2. such pretty little pillows. they look so romantic...

  3. Good luck next Saturday...wish I could be there. How clever of you to showcase your pretty things with Nellie's dishes in the background. Love 'em. Will you serve me a cup of tea in them when I come to visit?


  4. Oh! These are beautiful! They make me wish our living room addition was finished so I could start making some fun pillows. :-)

  5. ooh, love the apron! i have been looking for a cute pattern for a kids apron. is this a new one...or some old really cool one that you found at some awesome garage sale? :)


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